Sweet Champagne 2: Movie Star

Champagne and Sasha © Jeremy Bernal

Lone © Joey Porter


Champagne looked at Sasha with fond, deep blue eyes, as she talked with her producer for a while. The vixen was feeling very taboo right now, but it wasn't altogether a bad feeling. She sat down in a comfortable easy chair, gazing over at the camera set up in the far side of the room. There were lights and cables everywhere, looking like a real mess all around this corner, but the middle, where the camera's were actually looking, was what looked like a series of beds and footstools, side by side at odd angles, with huge satin sheets draped over them. She waves her lush tail from side to side, the impressively endowed female fox fluffing out her ruddy fur a bit as she watched the bunny talk. The night she had spent with Sasha was something her mind was lingering on. She had never felt so satisfied as she did then, and that was part of why she agreed to give Sasha's suggestion a try. The tan bunny padded over to Champagne sultrily, her hand on her hip as she motioned to the producer, a dark, lean, shrewd looking jackal.

"Well, he says you are in, as a guest for the film we are shooting today.." Champagne said. "Do you mind playing with a male in the scene? Or would you prefer that he only played with me, and me with you?" she asked. Champagne's heart kicked up its speed several notches.

"Ahh.. Ummm.. I guess.. it is okay with whatever would make the scene look the best?" she said, blushing. She felt that warm tingle surge into her loins, the desire to feel Sasha's capable hands on her body, and that tongue caressing her sex. Sasha smiled and nodded, moving over to talk to the producer again. He smiled a smile that made Champagne just think evil. But it was just how his face was. He didn't really seem that bad, and Champagne decided Sasha would not work for him if he really was bad. Sasha came back, and led Champagne over to the place with the draped blue sheets, over obvious furniture of a hidden category. Chairs, a bed, some footstools.. plenty of surfaces to get into various positions. The producer left a moment, nodding to Sasha, and tugging at his clothing, indicating that the two girls get undressed. Sasha wore a black miniskirt, and a red top which was way to small for her. She unbuttoned four of the buttons, and the fifth just gave up, and committed suicide, popping off and flying behind one of the pieces of furniture.

"Oh you bitch.. I just sewed you back on." Sasha grumbled, shrugging her top off, and wriggling carefully to get out of the short skirt that she was practically poured into. She was nude as Champagne opened her robe that she was wearing.. a terry cloth bath robe, and revealed that she wore a pair of panties and a bra underneath, blue lace. She got out of them slowly and carefully, and put them aside, on a bookshelf at the edge of the room behind the cameras with Sasha's stuff. Champagne blushed hotly.

"Feels so naughty.." she said, holding her cheeks, sitting down on a foot stool.

"Yer an erotic dancer, hon.." Sasha said playfully, "how can this feel so naughty to you?" As she said that, a door opened off near the back of the room, and a large grey wolf was led out into the area. He was very tall, easily seven feet, and a bulky, muscular, athletic looking type. His fur shined like silver, and his eyes were ice blue. And not a stitch of clothing was on him, except a circular jade pendant, which was around his neck on a leather cord. he seemed perfectly unashamed, and very 'in his element' as he walks casually toward Sasha and Champagne.

"Oh my god.." Champagne said under her breath. "That's why I feel naughty.. he's huge.. Is he.. umm.. umm.." Champagne stammered softly as he came up close.

"Hey Sasha.." came the grey lupine's deep voice, and yet, it seemed so gentle, like one might expect of a monk, despite how threatening this wolf looked.

"Hi!" the bunny chimed. "Champagne, this is one of our new guys. He's quickly become a favorite.. He goes by Lone.. Lone, this is my friend, Champagne.. she's looking to get into the business perhaps, and wants to sample it with us today. She's an erotic dancer." Sasha said, flicking her long ears a bit, smiling.

"Ahhh.. I see.. She does indeed have the body of a fine dancer.. someone that could wipe out every wallet in the room for table dances, I bet." he said, seeming confident, and calm. He reached out to shake Champagne's hand.

"Whaaoo." Champagne said, looking a bit dazed, one hand covering over her breasts modestly for some reason, as she shook Lone's hand with the wrong hand, her own gentle fingers clasping the back of his offered hand and shaking it. He perked his ears and looked down to how she was shaking his hand. Champagne looked a bit out of it.

"She's very new to this, so she is a little nervous." Sasha said, to the wolf who had just laid it on nice and thick.

"I see. Well, don't worry.. we will make this as fun and non-work-like as we can for you, Whiskey." he churred.

"Champagne." Sasha stated.

"Yes?" the vixen replied, snapping out of it a bit, and looking at Sasha.

"He said Whiskey." Sasha explained.

"No thanks, I'm fine." Champagne declined.

"No, I mean him.." the bunny said, a little bit flustered.

"But I just met him, I don't know if he drinks." the vixen replied. "Besides, i don't know where you keep stuff here yet." she said, seeming a little flustered as well. "It's my first day."

"No!" Sasha cried, laughing. "I mean Lone called you Whiskey."

"Lone?" she asked, looking back, seeing the grey wolf standing there. "Why would he do something silly like that?" Sasha groaned, covering her face, her ears splaying.

"Okay.. Do you need fluffed, sweetie?" Sasha asked, looking at Lone. The grey wolf smiled softly, looking at Champagne a bit, and chuckling.

"Well, with her here, probably not.. watching you two a bit would be enough.. but you know how much I like a good fluffing." he said, laughing. Sasha nodded, and looked up at Champagne, caressing her cheek.

"Wanna watch a good fluffing?" Sasha asked, smiling playfully at the vixen. The vulpine canted her head a bit, running her fingers through her silky blonde hair, and blinked her expressive blue eyes.

"I think she doesn't know what you are talking about." Lone said. "She really is new." Champagne blushed, and nodded.

"All right.. well, Champagne, sweetie..' Sasha said, getting on her knees in front of Lone, and pushing him back onto the couch. "When it comes time to get into the main part of the scene.. the full sex part.. sometimes, the male needs a little prepping for that scene.. So, we have a girl, Sandy, who does that, but in Lone's case, I have been doing it. We will cut video for a moment when I do that, okay? Just so you know that we will have to pause, even if you are feeling hot and ready. Don't worry.. it won't take long." The producer came back from the other room, holding a little tablet, reading from it a moment, and then looked at the three gathered there. He looked at the tablet again, and chuckled softly.

"The scene originally called for a wolf girl, but a fox will be more than fine." he said, his voice rather kind. Champagne's initial feelings about him melted away. "Okay.. Lone.. Sasha, the idea is that Champagne here is Lone's wife or girl friend or something.. and she comes home from shopping to find you two kissing, and naked on the bed, there.." he said, pointing to the bed. Lone pulled the sheet off, and revealed, a fairly ordinary looking queen sized bed. Two raccoons wandered in with what looked like a very elaborate cut and paste cardboard cutout with the background of a bedroom wall with paintings, then some light, cheap furniture, pushing the other covered furniture surfaces out of the way, except a chair, which they uncovered and left beside the bed. In a manner of seconds, they changed the place to look like your typical bedroom! It was flawless, and looked quite real under the lighting.

"Wow.." Champagne said, feeling suddenly a little disillusioned with television. Sasha hopped up on the bed, and nodded, patting the bed for Lone to join. The lumbering lupine crawled up onto the bed, and got on his knees, sitting on his feet, as Champagne moved over, sitting a bit in his lap, and hugging him firmly, before just lightly holding him, looking like she was quite fond of him, but she was a loving type, that was something Champagne was sure about, so she surely adored most of those she worked with.

"So I come in and I catch them kissing.. It's my boyfriend right? I'm mad at Sasha?" the vixen asked uneasily. She didn't know there would be violence or anything.

"This is a porno, not a crime investigation show, Champagne." the producer said. champagne nodded, and waited for instructions. "When you catch them, you ask them what they are doing. Give dramatic pause.. be firm with your voice too. And then add, after they look scared and uneasy, 'without me?', okay?" the producer said. Champagne chuckled and smiled, nodding a bit. It was a cheesy transition, but porn wasn't usually up for an Oscar. "Then you climb up onto the bed, and I want you to join Champagne in what she is doing. If I want you to do something in specific, I will ask you to do that. My voice will be edited out of the movie when it is done, but if you look at me or respond to me, that can't be edited out, we have to re-do the scene, understand?" the jackal continued. Sasha looked at the cameras, and then to Lone, and waited. Champagne stayed off camera, as the raccoons both got a camera, one fixed, one on a swing arm to hold it steady, but be moved around.

"Ready.." came one of the 'coon's voices, "Action!" he cried. Champagne moved onto the set, into the bedroom, and then stopped, looking, in shock, at Sasha and Lone. She actually was in shock. Sasha was kissing him the way one might a hot lover, someone they really are having a fling with. It made Champagne wet instantly, and she blushed hotly, her jaw dropping, as Sasha's hands roamed over his strong body, and clasped his rump, tugging his tail a bit, and just grinding herself lewdly up against him, quivering, and whispering words of soft desire to him, things the camera might not have been picking up more than the fact that she was cooing and whispering to him.

"S.. Sweetie what the hell do you think you're DOING?" Champagne said, rather loudly, causing Sasha to gasp, and Lone to look over at the vixen as well. She moved over to the side of the bed, her ears splayed back, looking distressed. She then smiled wickedly, mirthfully as the gorgeous vixen could, and added, slowly, "Without me..." she crawled up onto the bed, sultrily.

"CUT!" came the call from the director.

"Did I do it wrong?" Champagne asked, feeling bad suddenly.

"No, no! you did great, darling." Sasha said, still grinding herself against Lone. "Camera angle change to follow the action on the bed, and ignore the surroundings a bit." she said softly. Champagne nodded softly, staying on the bed.

"Go back to that feral, wanting look you had, Champagne." the producer said. The nude vixen stayed on all fours on the bed, grinning lustfully. "Tail up.. we need to get a good shot from behind you as you approach them." the jackal added. Champagne blushed, and did as she was asked, raising her tail, showing off her velvety white mound, her pink folds already glistening with wetness. "Mmmm-mm.. I so love beginners.." the jackal said.

"Action!" came the cry to begin again. Sasha looked at Champagne, and Lone looked at the approaching vixen, in a little bit of shock it seemed, before the order came from the director to start joining the bunny in the kissing. The swing arm camera drew close, and Champagne tried to ignore it, as she closed her eyes, and kissed Lone first, since he was supposed to be her lover, and Sasha the intruder.. only made sense to kiss him first. His tongue slipped into her mouth, making her chest hurt with lust as her body heated up more. She remained on her hands and knees on the bed, as she kissed the huge gray wolf, his muzzle a lot larger than hers, as his tongue invaded her mouth.. She drew back, and Sasha kissed Lone, and then, after a while of tongue wrestling him, turned and kissed Champagne. The vixen whimpered longingly, as she felt a bead of her wetness roll down the fur on the back of her leg, tracing her rump and then thigh to the back of her knee. Champagne blushed hotly, as the camera swung around for a close-up of this event, and how wet her folds were, as they spread eagerly, just begging to be mated. The director asked that they all start using their hands, and the camera switched back and forth with who had the red light but Champagne tried not to look at them, just paying attention to her lovers. Champagne groaned deeply as Lone's powerful hands came to rest on her large breasts, and she reared up on her knees, kissing him, nibbling his neck, as he squeezed, working her nipples between his fingers. After a while of that soft massaging, the vixen was softly panting. The director then asked Sasha to back up, and let Champagne play with Lone's sheath, and get him started. The vixen blushed hotly, her heart really pounding now. She could not just say she changed her mind in this case. That would reflect badly on her friend. Besides, her body made it perfectly clear that it wanted to continue, so she did. Sasha backed up, and started caressing the vixen's hindquarters lovingly, as the camera settled on Champagne as she lowered herself, Lone still on his knees, and she kissed his tummy, before wrapping her hands around his heavy looking sheath. It had been a long time since she had been with a male, and she was a little nervous, since this one was a complete stranger, but somehow, it was extremely exciting too. She clasped his sheath carefully, and began to rub it, feeling the flesh hidden inside swelling slowly. She gasped and groaned a bit, as she felt Sasha's fingers tease over her sex.

"Just pay attention to Lone.. Sasha's not in the picture.. Sasha, you will get to have plenty of fun in a little bit." came the directors voice. Sasha was pleasuring her for the hell of it, Champagne thought. She looked back down to Lone's sheath, and saw the tip of pink masculinity sliding from that obsidian covering. This was probably why he was popular on film. That hot pink flesh showed up with really nice contrast against his gray fur. "Put him in your mouth, Champagne." came the request from the director. She swallowed softly, looking at the very thick head as it slid free, and then closed her eyes, opening her muzzle, and spearing that length into her hot mouth, eliciting a moan, long and low, from the gentle gray lupine. He leaned back a bit, as the camera came in for a view from just above the vixen's head, while the flexible male leaned back. Sasha continued to tease Champagne's sex, as her head began to bob, and she felt that thick, hard flesh grow. And grow. And grow some more. She tried to keep as much as she could in her muzzle, just sucking as hard as she could, wanting to do what Sasha had said, and fluff him. He grunted softly, tensing his leg muscles, and the vixen felt a heady jet of pre trickle down her tongue, and she pulled away, knowing that meant the lupine was fully aroused. She gasped at the view, and tried to hide her surprise, since this was something she should already have known, since she was supposed to be familiar with the wolf. Thirteen inches of pink, pulsing flesh, her hand still around the base of it. He was huge! Champagne whines hotly, as Sasha's hands worked over her sex.

"Oh wow.. how could you keep him to yourself all this time?" Sasha said softly, the cameras evidently on her now. Champagne looked at Sasha, as Lone remained in position. The director told Champagne she did not have to answer. champagne nodded, feeling so hot and tingly, just looking at this large wolf. This answered her unspoken question from earlier.

"You think it's enough for two?" Lone asked, in a deep, bated breath.

"God yeah.." Sasha's reply came. She moved over to Champagne, and smiled, kissing her softly. The vixen quivered softly, and wrapped her arms around her friend.

"Okay.." the director said, "Sasha, lay on your back, Champagne, you get on top of her. Lone, move around behind the fox, and start fucking her.." came the surprisingly casual orders from the director. Champagne gasped, and watches Sasha get into position, and she hastily but seductively moved into hers, on all fours, pinning Sasha down. The bunny kissed her intently, as the camera zoomed in on their intimate regions, showing their drooling, glistening slits. Champagne was just soaked. Lone released a long, low murr, as he got into position, a classical doggie-style with Champagne. The vixen wriggled her hips a bit, letting the large lupine know she was ready. She groaned loudly, as she felt that long, thick shaft pressing into her, spreading her apart, so snug and hot around him. Lone groaned as he began to slide his hips back and forth, the trembling vixen almost peaking instantly, as it had been so long since she was filled, and Lone did so much more than fill her. Her hips pressed back against him, as she eagerly too his whole cock. Sasha spread her legs, wrapping her legs around Lone and Champagne both, the bunny cooing with lust, and helping herself to Champagne's breasts, teasing them, tweaking her nipples, and fondling her as much as she liked. Champagne bit and licked the lapine's neck as the two pressed together. She began to pant as she felt that long, powerful shaft pistoning a little faster in and out, as the camera moved around the group, and then zoomed in, moving close to where Lone was connecting with Champagne. he drew himself out of her, with soft protests from the vixen, who was about to cum, and Sasha covered her mouth, whispering for her to just go with it. Champagne nodded, as the camera zoomed in on Lone spreading his thighs a bit more, and pressing his cock into Sasha's soaking wet pussy. he was not so gentle with Sasha, who it would seem, was rather used to taking someone that size. he held Champagne's hips as he began to eagerly and blissfully thrust into the bunny, whose sex was directly below that of the vixen. He did this for a while, as the camera traveled around them, and took several different perspectives of this, watching Sasha's hands on the vixen's breasts, and wide angles of the three and how they looked on the bed together. finally, the cameras moved back to the sex of the vixen and bunny, and the wolf pulled his long member from Sasha, and plunged heavily back into Champagne, making her squeal with pleasure, as she rutted back against him.

"Oh god yes!" Champagne cried, covering her mouth suddenly, realizing she wasn't supposed to say anything, and then whining loudly, as she felt her body teetering on the edge of climax. So much flesh, held tight inside her, stroking her deeply.. everywhere.. anything inside her was getting touched. She bucked her hips against it eagerly, feeling close.

"Make her pop Lone.. Camera two, get into position B, camera one, position A." Champagne had her eyes shut tight, rolling her hips eagerly as the wolf pounding in and out of her, fast and hard now, angling himself so he was rubbing even more lewdly inside her. One camera watched by her sex, and the other on her face, as she rocked back and forth, panting heavily, squeaking with her growing pleasure, before she practically heard an explosion inside her, and her soaking juices gushed down Lone's shaft, bathing his hips in their warm glaze, and spilling all over Sasha's sex, making her groan too. Lone stroked her a few more times, nice and deep, sating that burning through the vixen, as she released all over him. After a few of those long, satisfying strokes, the lupine moved his thick, soaked cock back down to Sasha's sex, and began to really thrust hard and fast into her, the bunny bumping up against Champagne as well, as the large lupine hammered away, panting, and Sasha kissed and caressed Champagne eagerly, while the vixen leaned over Sasha weakly, panting, her body still trembling, wracked with pleasure. What next? how long would the movie be? Sasha said it was only to be a short clip, for the net.. it had not been long, but it felt like forever as her pleasure boiled in her, and her juices poured over Lone's thrusting cock, spreading it into Sasha, the camera getting that wet and messy action. Sasha finally cried out, her body pressing up against Champagne as she embraced her tightly, her tunnel clenching around Lone's cock, as he grunted softly, jerking his hips in and out rapidly.

"Okay Lone.. grand finale." the producer said. Lone nodded, pumping, his muscles tightening up a lot, as he actually obviously worked to get himself off, moving his cock back to Champagne, then to Sasha, the camera watching, and then back to Champagne again, mostly because when he did, the vixen made lots of noise, and fell right into a second, slightly smaller but still powerful climax. As she wailed with searing release, the wolf pulled out of her, the camera's close, as he moved around to the other side of the bed on his knees. Champagne looked up, and didn't have time to say anything, as Sasha kissed her to silence her, and Lone stroked himself for a short time, the camera's both on him, and on the faces of the two lovers, just as he grunted, hard, his thick cock recoiling slightly as he jerked backward, and shuddered, thick, powerful jets of cum splashing over Sasha's face, while she kissed Champagne, and then over the vixen's ears and muzzle, then over both their muzzles, as Sasha drew back, catching some on her tongue, and deeply kissing Champagne again, sharing it with her. Lone moved forward a bit, and Sasha began to lap that thick cream as fast as it pulsed from it's pulsing pink source, sucking on the tip a bit, as Champagne dizzily, almost drunkenly lapped at the shaft as well, her face and ears drenched in the stuff. Finally, the three fell into a cuddling mass, giggling and holding one another, as Sasha licked Champagne's face clean slowly.

"Who's your friend?" Sasha asked Lone, to add that last little line in there, before the director said,

"Fade to black." and the cameras remained on a while longer, with the dazed, satisfied vixen barely able to notice them if she tried, and the lights finally went out.

"You did very well for your first time, Champagne.." the bunny said softly, panting.

"Aaaoo.." Champagne said, her cunny still clenching where that huge lupine cock had been. She had found a rather fun means of income.. and would definitely be back.


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